
Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Put Up Or Shut Up" (6) "Elizabeth Warren To The GOP: 'Put Up Or Shut Up' About Aid For Middle Class" is an article by Samantha Lachman; it was published February 26, 2015. Almost every American has heard the name Elizabeth Warren. Warren is a Massachusetts senator, and is also a former Harvard Law School professor, specializing in bankruptcy law. Recently, Warren, with a colleague, launched the "Middle Class Prosperity Project," and at their first forum on Tuesday, Warren made her plan clear. Warren gave a well informed speech concerning the state of the United States middle class, it's history, and how we have to work to fix it. Warren scolded Republicans for their constant talk of strengthening the middle class when all that they have done is support legislation that weakened the middle class. She speaks of their focus on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have benefited a major foreign oil company rather than our own country. "I could go on, but the point is the same: Talk is cheap. It's time for action-- action that will strengthen America's middle-class families and build a strong future, action that will produce good jobs now and in the future. It is time to put up or shut up. I have a message for my Republican colleagues: You control Congress. Stop talking about helping the middle class, and start doing it." This relates to our class because of the connection to media and politicians. This powerful message has been reposted over 1 million times, making this video one of Warren's most widely circulated videos. Her visibility is helped my the media in ways that one can not begin to describe. Warren's supporters are growing and growing, making her a formidable opponent in Congress. I completely agree with Warren. I've known about her for a while. She strikes me as someone who really pays attention to the true problems facing our country today, but unlike so many other politicians, who are just a lot of talk, Warren actually takes incentive and does something about the issues that she is most passionate about. One of the reasons that I am such a huge fan of hers is because of her target on school loans for college students. As a former professor, I believe she has a unique perspective on the topic and I look forward to seeing where she goes with it. See the full video here:


  1. Very well written blog and kudos to mrs. Warren for exercising her first amendment right, however republicans have only gained control of both houses for two months, and prior to that the government has been run by the democrats for 6 years, and during that time america has seen massive expansion in government programs, and historic national debt. This has contributed to the weakening of the middle class of america.

  2. I agree that republicans, actions sometimes contradict their ideology(democrats too,you're not off the hook),but not once in the artice do i see an example of a democrats task to help the middle class. Its not as easy as it sounds. the term middle class is even a a big question mark. Most Americans consider them selves middle class if they are not signifcantly poor or rich
