
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Florida Teacher Suspended For Calling Teen Student A ‘Raghead Taliban’ (8) "Florida Teacher Suspended For Calling Teen Student A ‘Raghead Taliban" is an article by Andrew Bradford, published on March 19, 2015. Recently, Weston, Florida teacher Maria Valdes received a five day suspension for tasteless anti-Muslim comments directed towards a Muslim student, Deyab-Houssein Wardani. Comments including “Here comes the raghead Taliban” and “Okay the Taliban, what is the answer?” have been reported not only by Warden, but also fellow students. The student's family has released statements particularly regarding the treatment he received because he was Muslim, rather than a different religion or race (such as making anti-Semitic comments to a Jewish student or racist comments to an African American student.). The school has released statements that their policies do not tolerate Valdes' behavior and embrace diversity. The family is currently deciding whether or not they will seek further legal action against Valdes. This relates to our class because we have recently begun a unit on Civil Liberties and Rights. This regards equal treatment of religion, and the school system (and as a result, the government's) role in ensuring that children of all different backgrounds are treated equally. The freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. I think that Valdes' actions were inexcusable. She is very lucky to have only received a five day suspension- she deserves much longer. This conduct is completely inappropriate, not only for a teacher to her student, but any person. All children should feel safe while at school and they should not feel threatened or belittled for who they are by a person that assumes as much responsibility as a teacher.


  1. I completely agree, Clara. This woman's actions were despicable and inexcusable. I can't believe she hasn't been fired. This deserves much more than a short suspension.

  2. Wow Clara, this is crazy. I can't believe that a teacher said those racist comments to a student and got away with only a suspension. They shouldn't be allowed to teach anymore in my opinion because comments like that can really hurt people. Discrimination like that is inexcusable.
