
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

There’s A Reality About Hillary Clinton That Many Liberals Need To Face (11) "There’s A Reality About Hillary Clinton That Many Liberals Need To Face" is an article by Allen Clifton, posted on March 18, 2015. This article is essentially a call to action for liberals and Democrats. The reality is, Hillary Clinton is not perfect. No one is saying that she's perfect. She's had her fair share of scandals and problems and no one is denying that. However, there is the fact that Elizabeth Warren is not running for president. Bernie Sanders isn't running for president. In this election, we really have to go for the lesser of two evils- someone who only shares 70% of your views, or someone who shares about 1% of them. There's no point in making a statement by voting Independent, because then there's the fact that they won't get elected. He talks about how trying to make a statement about our broken political system won't do anything; we've pretty much been a two party system since our country was first born. The main point is this: vote. Our president in 2016 is between Hillary Clinton or a republican. This is related to AP Gov because we have been studying the presidency and election process. What Clifton talks about in his article is true to everything we have learned, both about the presidency and the American political system. The fact of the matter is, if every American that is eligible to vote actually voted, Democrats would win every election. However, since the Democrat-supporting part of our constituency is not as consistent when it is time to vote, there's the potential for Republicans to win. The moral of the story is: vote, don't try to make a statement, and pick your battles wisely. I completely agree with Clifton. Although Hillary would not be my first choice (Elizabeth Warren would be), I know that I would vote for her if I could vote this election. The fact of the matter is, I don't want to live here if we're going to have both a Republican Congress and Republican President. We've made some extremely important steps forward in society that would not have happened had we not had Obama as a president. No one is perfect, but I honestly believe that he has done the best he could with what he was given. Election year is my least favorite part of the presidency.

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