
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Model Who's Gay, Not A Twin Sends Strong Message Back To Ex-Gay Group PFOX (4) The article "Model Who's Gay, Not A Twin Sends Strong Message Back To Ex-Gay Group PFOX" by David Badash, published February 19th, 2015. In December, anti- gay group PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex Gays and Gays) put up a billboard on a busy Virginia interstate, with a picture of "twins," identical in every way, except that one of them is gay. The group claims this only difference as proof that "no one is born gay." Although the group has received significant backlash from the gay-rights community, they weren't expecting for the model whose stock photo they used to contact them. Kyle Roux, a South African model, notified the group that not only is he (happily) gay, he is not a twin. Roux is partnering with Planting Peace (the civil rights organization behind the Equality House, the rainbow striped house across the street from Westboro Baptist Church) in order to create a counter message to spread the love the LGBT community so often advocates for. This relates to what we are learning in class right now because of groups (although they are not specific interest groups). These groups influence citizens and lawmakers alike, and are closely related to our recent lessons about political organizations. I agree with Roux's decision to retaliate in a positive way. I believe that all LGBT people are born LGBT. I do not believe it is a choice, nor do they. I think that PFOX shouldn't publish such blatant lies in the way they did; their message is negative enough without being ridiculously misinformed.


  1. Hey Clara, it's Shelbi.It is great that you are being so open about your views and speaking about them.

  2. I think its awesome what Roux did! i also agree that Pfox has a negative message and that they try to spread it in an ignorant manner.
